Abby and Eason,
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. In all of our ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct our paths.”
Last night I woke up constantly. My mind fought for me to trust myself. My mind wanted me to make sense of a situation that simply isn’t going to make sense… until I turn to the words of Jesus.
God’s word clearly defines sin. It is why we have left the garden. It also clearly defines the Savior – Jesus Christ.
Trusting Jesus means that I allow Him to navigate my paths in this world. That might sound easy until you are facing – Let’s call what I am facing “IT.” It feels big. “It” wants control of my mind. “It” took control of my sleep last night. “It” wants to be in charge.
But be clear, “it” is not in charge. My life belongs to Jesus. My days were know by Jesus before the first one even began. Jesus knew me in my mother’s womb.
“It” only knows this moment. “It” wants me to believe it is the biggest thing around me.
“It” is wrong.
Sometimes trusting Jesus is simply going to Him, like a child, and telling Jesus – your dad – that you’re scared. Sometimes you need to ask Him to look at “it” with you and let Him see how big that you think “it” is.
Jesus wants us to depend on Him. Our acknowledgement that He is our protector brings glory to the name of Jesus.
And acknowledging that Jesus is our protector might be as simple as going to him when we are scared and talking to Him about what we feel. Jesus knows how to direct our paths. We don’t have to figure out how to look good while we glorify Jesus. We just need to come to Him, listen, talk, and let Him lead us.
That’s what I am doing today. I hope you will too.
I love you both,