My Blog

These entries are love letters I write for my children, Abby and Eason.

Intense Anger: I Blamed God

Abby and Eason, I remember as a child that emotions scared me – a lot. In fact, I decided I would never cry. It would mean I was tough and that no one could ever hurt me. And, I didn’t. I went almost 10 years

Becoming One

Abby and Eason, This is the last letter I am planning to write about marriage (at least for now). But, I think it is really important. Who knows, you might need to remind me about it one day, but I really hope you don’t. I

Marriage after Sexual Abuse

Abby and Eason, I didn’t think I was going to write about this in the letters because it isn’t about the core topics I was writing about in the marriage letters. But, I thought about it, and I think it is important. This is a

Forgiveness in Marriage

Abby and Eason, You know my favorite verse is Jeremiah 31:3. I love the image of the loving kindness of God drawing us. And it is that same loving kindness that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:3-4). Forgiveness is an act of love. When we

A Quick End to Marriage

Abby and Eason, When I tell this story, it is easy to say that my marriage ending was my husband’s fault. I even said that for a long time. But, for you to really learn about marriage, you have to hear me say that is

The Beginning of Our Marriage Ending

Abby and Eason, Today’s letter isn’t about the end of my marriage. It’s about the middle and the lessons I learned in the middle. I hope they will help you when, one day, you get married. When I got married, I moved to another state.

Jesus at the Center of Your Marriage

Abby and Eason – As I have said in each of these letters, I am not an expert in this area, but I am willing to share my experiences with you. This letter is no exception. So, I will start with the very best advice

Before the Ceremony

Abby and Eason, Obviously, choosing to have a super small ceremony meant that a lot of our friends would not be at the ceremony. We wanted to invite them but also stay true to the ceremony we thought was best. So, we found ways to

The Wedding Ceremony

Because I think this commitment is so important, I believe that the wedding ceremony should be arranged in the way that allows the bride and the groom to best focus on Jesus. View post to subscribe to site newsletter.